Description: Retrieve Software packages
URL: http://{your-server-url}/api/v2/core/software/packages/deployments
Method: GET
Token Required: True
token: {token}
currentaccountid: {accountid - optional and default value is user's own account}
content-type: application/json or content-type: application/xml
Parameter | Type | Nullable | Description |
page | int | True | page number |
ids | string | True | comma separated values, eg. ids=1,2,3 |
includesub | string | True | true or false, e.g. includesub=true |
networkid | string | True | network id, e.g. networkid=112 |
softpkgids | int | True | Comma seperated values, e.g. softwarepackagetypeids=1,3 |
resourcescope | string | True | Scope of resource, e.g. resourcescope=portal |
resourceids | string | True | Comma seperated values, e.g. resourceids=1,2,55,100 |
enabled | int | True | enabled flag, e.g. enabled=1 (enabled), enabled=0 (not enable) |
sort | string | True | sorting fields: id,createddate,softpkgid,resourceid,resourcescope. Comma seperated values, unary negative to imply descending sort order, e.g. sort=-id |
rpp | int | True | records per page, default = 50, max = 500 |
Example: http://{your-server-url}/api/v2/core/software/packages/deployments?page=100&ids=string&includesub=string
Type: Nexus.AppSpace.Service.Contract.Messages.AppSpaceIntegration.v1.Software.SoftwareResponse
Parameter | Type |
Response.TotalPages | int |
Response.Rpp | int |
Response.TotalCount | int |
Response.Deployments | Nexus.AppSpace.Service.Contract.Model.DTO.AppSpaceIntegration.v1.Software.Deployment[] |
Response.CurrentPage | int |
Field | Name | Values |
ResourceScope | Nexus.AppSpace.Service.Contract.Model.Enums.Resource.Scope | Undefined = 0, Portal = 1, Account_Groups = 2, Accounts = 3, Networks = 4, Applications = 5, Players = 6, User_Groups = 7, Users = 8, Zones = 9, DataSources = 10, ContentSize = 11, Server = 12, Content = 13, Campaign = 14, Client = 15, Site = 16, Widget = 17, LayoutSchedule = 18, CampaignEntity = 19, ContentFolders = 20, Layouts = 21, MediaZone = 22, Player_Groups = 23, Space = 24 |
Status | Nexus.AppSpace.Service.Contract.Model.Enums.Software.Status | Undefined = 0, Stable = 1, Beta = 2, Not_Good = 3 |
<SoftwareResponse xmlns="" xmlns:i=""> <DebugMessage xmlns="">String</DebugMessage> <Errors xmlns=""> <Error> <Code>String</Code> <Message>String</Message> <StackTrace>String</StackTrace> </Error> </Errors> <Status xmlns="">Success</Status> <CurrentPage>123</CurrentPage> <Deployments xmlns:a=""> <a:Deployment> <a:CreatedDate>2015-08-25T17:54:28.8467627Z</a:CreatedDate> <a:Enabled>true</a:Enabled> <a:Id>123</a:Id> <a:NetworkId>123</a:NetworkId> <a:ResourceId>123</a:ResourceId> <a:ResourceScope>Space</a:ResourceScope> <a:SoftwarePackageId>123</a:SoftwarePackageId> <a:Status>Not_Good</a:Status> </a:Deployment> </Deployments> <Rpp>123</Rpp> <TotalCount>123</TotalCount> <TotalPages>123</TotalPages> </SoftwareResponse>
{ "DebugMessage":"String", "Errors":[ { "Code":"String", "Message":"String", "StackTrace":"String" } ], "Status":1, "CurrentPage":123, "Deployments":[ { "CreatedDate":"\/Date(1440525268846)\/", "Enabled":true, "Id":123, "NetworkId":123, "ResourceId":123, "ResourceScope":24, "SoftwarePackageId":123, "Status":3 } ], "Rpp":123, "TotalCount":123, "TotalPages":123 }